
About Me

Hi there! I'm Hitesh Saini - an insurtech entrepreneur with a passion to transform India's insurance landscape.

My 11+ years in the insurance industry revealed an urgent need to raise financial literacy and simplify insurance claims processes. I noticed people struggling to navigate convoluted procedures and documentation needs delaying access to rightful dues. Complexity in securing insurance payouts after loss or damage seemed unfair to me. Hence I started conceptualizing solutions that can make the system more ethical, empathetic and efficient.


I co-founded a Claimtech Startup which helps customers better understand policies, expedite claims and secure rightful dues. By integrating automation and simplifying journey mapping, my purpose is to rebuild trust that insurance can reliably support livelihoods after unforeseen losses.

My aim is to reach millions in India who remain underinsured or give up on reimbursements due to procedural barriers. By leveraging automation, data-driven visibility and simplified engagement, we can deliver customer delight while improving loss ratios.

I believe closing India’s insurance literacy gap and upgrading claims infrastructure is crucial for securing families and businesses.


India continues facing challenges like severe underinsurance, lack of personalization and complicated claims procedures denying access. My aim is to reach millions of such underserved consumers and businesses with ethical, empathetic insurtech solutions engineered around their needs.

My Mission

I believe closing India’s insurance literacy gap and upgrading claims infrastructure is crucial for securing families and businesses in India. My mission is to drive transformation by making insurance work for everyone through simplifying processes and communication.

Increasing Awareness:
Launch large-scale campaigns educating people across socio-economic strata on importance of adequate insurance to safeguard lifestyles. Simplifiedvernacular communication remains vital.

Streamlining Claims:
Leverage AI and automation to reduce document requirements, accelerate claim settlements and bring transparency in approvals. Minimize procedural delays denying access to rightful payouts.

Rebuilding Trust:
Innovate solutions centered around consumer needs and ethical practices. Embrace technology but balance with human oversight. Progress transparency and personalization to uplift consumer confidence and loyalty.

I envision a future where insurance in India reliably supports people in times of crisis as a trusted partner. An ecosystem driven by purpose over profit alone. My mission persists to uphold consumers’ interest and deliver true value.

Personal Interests

When I’m not planning innovations with my agile product team, you’ll find me networking with fellow startup founders, advising student entrepreneurs or brainstorming scalable insurtech that continues to push inclusivity in India. I love staying active and believe strong communities shape thriving businesses.

I’m eager to collaborate with like-minded founders, investors and mentors passionate about driving financial inclusion.